Monday, 31 December 2012

This Is The New Year Movie

This Is The New Year Movie:
Embrace the past and you can Live for Now... Words of wisdom among many in this uplifting, inspirational song for the New Year. A must-share for sure!
Enjoy it!

Friday, 30 November 2012

Words of Gratitude Movie (click on first sentence)

Words of Gratitude Movie:
This beautiful video is a reminder of the power of gratitude. Be thankful for what you have and show appreciation to those around you... For you never know when a kind word can change someone's life.
Enjoy it and give it a second thought!


Thursday, 25 October 2012

Run your own brain with NLP

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a name that encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experience: Neurology, Language and Programming. The neurological system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interface and communicate with other people and our programming determines the kinds of models of the world we create. Neuro-Linguistic Programming describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay affects our body and behavior (programming). NLP was originated by John Grinder (whose background was in linguistics) and Richard Bandler (whose background was in mathematics and gestalt therapy) for the purpose of making explicit models of human excellence. Bandler is teaching through some simple experiments how we can learn to run our own brain. The following is from R. Bandler's book "Using Your Brain For A Change".   

Now, take your time, sit back in peace, maybe close your eyes and think of a very pleasant past experience. Make sure you recall all details and you see exactly what you saw back then. Change the brightness of the image and notice how your feelings change accordingly. Make the picture brighter and brighter, bring it closer and closer and now make it dimmer and dimmer, push it away and away and back to brighter!! How do you feel?  

Of course there are some exceptions, but for most of you, your feelings become brighter or dimmer following the picture! How you ever thought of that possibility you have to adjust the pictures of your mind according to the feelings you want to have each time? I guess almost everyone lets their brain randomly show pictures it wishes and you feel good or bad, according to what you are shown and not what you really want. 

 Now, do the same with an unpleasant experience, something it makes you feel bad. And start playing again: make the picture dimmer and dimmer, fuzzier and fuzzier and experience your feelings becoming fuzzier, too! Does that picture bother you still?  

Of course each experience had its own special characteristics, so you have to “play” in relation. For example a candle-light dinner will fade away if you picture it too bright and an unpleasant experience will be stronger if you bring it too close to you. For those who want to run their brain, they can try changing each quality and elements of the below list, so they find out what are the ones affecting the experiences and how much. Preferably choose a pleasant experience and let the game begin! 

1)      Color. Intense bright colors to black and white will affect your feelings accordingly. Choose what you want!
2)      Distance. Very close to far away.

3)      Depth. Flat pictures become two or three dimensional.

4)      Duration. Vary from a quick picture to a persistent one!

5)      Clarity. Crystal-clear pictures to fuzzy and blur.

6)      Contrast. Adjust the difference between light and dark.

7)      Scope. A picture in a frame can become a panoramic one, which continues even if you turn your head around.

8)      Movement. Make a movie or feel good with a still photo.

9)      Speed. Very slow to very fast pictures affects feelings very fast or very slow!

10)  Hue. Play with the color balance, with the reds, blues and greens.

11)  Transparency. A transparent picture allows you to see what lies beneath the surface.

12)  Aspect Ratio. Take a framed pic and make it tall and narrow or short and wide.

13)  Orientation. Tilt the top of that picture away from you and then toward you and then away again.

14)  Foreground/Background. Make the difference between what interests you (foreground) and the context it happens to be there (background) and reverse them.

The list with the qualities goes on and relates to your personality. You can always use volume, rhythm, location, number, temperature, shape, odor, taste and smell are quite useful and strong qualities.
It’s time to make the brain our servant and with a little exercise we can all manage to. Notice the children while drawing; they do not care about the reality – they simply represent the reality of their brain, the reality they wish and we, adults, always find it so clever and cute! Isn’t time to do the same for our own sake?


Thursday, 18 October 2012

25 secrets to a better life!

The only secret to a better life is a life that’s lived to the fullest.
Each of us has our own way of life; the reality is that even how different we are and the way we live, there is still one universal truth, values and principles that is rule our world. These truths are both simple and general that if you try to learn and apply them in your life, a great change can happen. 
That truth gives other people a chance to find their place in this world and to live their life to its fullness. The question now is, how can achieve a better life and live life to the fullest? If you are really interested in creating positive changes in your life, start learning and applying the principles of living a better life.  

1) Live today.
Past can’t be brought back and the future will always be uncertain. Today is yours, so make the most of it.
2) Keep balance. 
We are affected by the four aspects that are mental (brain), emotional (heart), spiritual (faith) and physical (body). Learning to keep balance among the four aspects, makes us a balanced person!
3) Forgive and Forget. 
The only person that suffers when you do not forgive is you and only you. The other person is probably caring less of what you feel. Do a favor to yourself to yourself and forget about it.   

4) Accept change as part of life. 
The more you can adapt to change, the easier your life is because change can open bigger and better possibilities for you, if only you’d accept it.  

5) Visit places you never been before. 
Seeing a new place let you discover and learn more of other things and people in your life. It helps you expand your perspective and horizon.  

6) Read books. 
The best way to ameliorate yourself and your life is through continuously learning. Try to challenge yourself with new thoughts and new perceprions of things. That will keep you expanding and growing.  

7) Attend classes.
Just like the swimming lessons you’ve always wanted to take back in high school. Remember that you’d never be too old to learn and discover your skills and qualities.  

8) Take time to make memories and keep journals. 
We should not wait for memories to happen, we should make memories happen. Find time to create memories with others. Note each moment you do not want to forget, either good and bad. Read your journal once in a while to feel that warmth inside your heart!
9) Capture the moments. 
The ability to retrieve a memory boosts by photographs and videos. Start taking those pictures you’d love to look back in your old days.  

10) Smile. 
Nothing beats a cheerful heart and mind. Be happy regardless. Make the world a better place to live in. Start sharing your sweet smile with yourself first every morning and then with all the others around you!  

11) Join a club. 
To learn more about yourself is by being more exposed in to new people and learning from them. It will help build yours and the others self-awareness; we evolve at the rate of the community we are plugged into.  

12) Learn to give. 
“The more you give, the more you receive”. Our value as human being depicts on what we can give and not on our capacity of receiving.  

13) Spend time with the young ones. 
There’s no better stress reliever than the positive and careless feeling given by a young one!   

14) Open your ears to the elders. 
Reaaly listening to the old ones makes you wiser. Remember, the best way to learn and avoid failure is through the experiences of others.  

15) Accept and manage failure. 
Do not be afraid to make mistake. Most successful people have gone through multiple failures. So mush wisdom is hidden on every failure!   

16) Take risk. 
Life is full of chances and you should take chances. As they say, the higher the risk the higher the success!

17) Cry.
Girls or boys, women or men, every one cries. You need to cry, it eases the burden plus it will keep you from having diseases that’s caused by emotional suffering.  

18) Respect other’s opinion. 
Who wins in an argument? Keep yourself away from arguments. Learn to listen to what others may say without necessary believing and taking them as true for yourself.  

19) Take a break. 
Reward yourself for a days’ work. Take that break, treat yourself to a drink, a sweet, a hot bath, a good film or just a few-minutes nap!  

20) Work smart, not hard. 
The most stressed people are those who do not work smart. Do not take the entire task to yourself. You are not alone in this world. Learn to trust the others - it’s not a weakness to ask for help!
21) Be yourself. 
Don’t try to act like someone else just to please everyone; you just can't. Stay true to who you are. Eventually, you’d discover who are worth keeping in your life from those who are not.  

22) Start caring. 
People don’t care how much you know, they want to know how much you care. Let the people know that you care. Remember, that relationship is more lasting than any of accomplishments and prestige.

23) Meditate.
Take a time to be with yourself and be silent. Such can relax you and helps you discover more of your qualities and potentials. You can go anywhere you want, you can do anything you want!  

24) Discover your purpose in life. 
Life is a journey. As you go along your journey, prepare your route. Discover the real you at the right place and time. To help you discover, ask yourself, “If there was no praise or criticism in the world, then who would I like to be?” Once you know the answer, you are right there.  

25) Take responsibility of your actions. 
Do not live for yourself alone; remember that there are other people and creatures surrounding you.  Always bare in mind that every move and action you take creates an effect to others. Start contributing your knowledge and experience for the benefit of the whole world. 

Life is not easy nor that tough neither. Having a good life and living our life to its fullness is a personal  choice. So make that choice! All the above have not covered all the ways. You too have your own share on how to live life to its fullest. Just start living your life the way you want!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Heart-warming words!

There are a few, so small sentences, that makes you feel like hugging the person who uttered them, makes your heart feel the warmth and the love of each word. Small phrases that give you motivation, inspiration, strength to go on, affirmation, respect, support. They will ring a bell to the parents of this blog, as I believe they say these words to their kids all the time!

Now it's time to think twice and use them in our everyday life, with the people we love and cherish the most. Believe me, the moment these phrases go out of your mouth, you will be the first one to feel all the above; sit back and watch your life getting better and your relationships reach their zenith!!

1) "I love you. And nothing will change that, no matter what you do."
Yes, you won't use it with every person in your life, only with your special ones. Make sure these special ones are not just your spouse or your kids. Use it with your friends, your parents if you still have them around, with your colleagues, with your students! Feel each and every word you say by looking in the eye and be the first one to feel the waves of warmth embrace you! Feel the love we learnt to forget somewhere out there and bring back bliss in your life!!

2) "You are amazing! There is no one like you. No one!"
Because this is simply the truth! Every one is unique, each and every one of us is one and only! Just imagine how you feel when you manage to accomplish something you work on for a long time, or when you reach your goals! How does that feel? Say these words to your mirror and take notice of your eyes! Use them with your children, your parents, your hubbie! If this isn't the support and motivation we are talking about, then what?

3) " It's all right to cry. People cry for a number of reasons: because they are hurt, sad, glad, or worried; when they are angry, afraid, or lonely. Big people cry too. I do."
Crying is the remedy for many situations. It reliefs you, takes away the tension, expresses your inner and more sensitive self, it makes you seem as human as everyone, it connects you with your long-forgoten child inside you. Feel free to cry, encourage others to cry on your shoulder and then together hold your heads up again, stonger than life!

4) "You've made a mistake - it's OK. People make mistakes. I do. Is it something we can fix?"
So many mistakes and so many lessons to be learnt... But this is only human! It's alright to make a mistake, its alright to make an unsuccessful decision. It takes guts to admit them, it takes guts to notice them, it takes guts to start all over again. A mistake, when not fatal, is a second chance, it's another opportunity you have to fix it and learn from it. No one should feel guilty about it - on the contrary, feel proud of yourself and do your best to amend things!

5) "You did the right thing! Though not easy, you did it. I am proud of you; you should be too!"
Countless the times when we had to make a decision and still in doubt if we did the right thing. We all need a friend to reassure us, to tell us we are right. Be the one for yourself, be the one for your friends and beloved. Deciding is always a challenge: small for some, big for others - it doesn't matter. What really matters is the "you did the right thing" you tell yourself/family/friends. This is the meaning of support!

6) "I am sorry. I didn't mean it."
Hardest words ever! You have to forget about your selfishness, your unreasonable pride, admit your mistakes and show the beauty of your heart! Sounds easy? Have a go! If you find it difficult to try it with your closests, try it with strangers: say "I'm sorry" when you accidentaly push someone in the super market or in the queue at the cinema. See their tiny smile and then go for bigger smiles inside your house. Most of all, you feel better first - and this is the goal here. If you feel good, everyone around you feels better!

7)"What a great idea! How did you come up with it? Tell me more!"
Be honest with yourself and tell me how many times you were really there when your spouse explains you a new idea of theirs? How many time you were really listening to a friend and not thinking about a similar situation of yours? Try to be a listening ear, show your deep interest and make the speaker in front of you feel important! If they are important for you once, you will be important for them twice!! Have in mind: respect and interest!

8) "When you need a friend, I'll be there for you."
Such a comforting sentence! So heart-warmimg! And don't take it for granted: not many have real friends ready to spend their entire night listening to that sobbing and crying. Not many have people around them to truly care about their feelings. If you are one of the not many, then you are so blessed! Feel the blessing inside you and if you remember one or two occasions when you were not exactly the real friend, be the one! Remember: what goes around, comes around!

9) "I missed you! I think about you when we are not together!"
OMG! Just imagine you hear these words often from beloved lips! How do you feel? Isn't that touches your most sensitive part of your soul? Someone missed you and thinks about you! You mean so much to them! Give that same pleasure to your surroundings! Tell your spouse you missed them after their 9-5 daily work! Tell your parents you missed them and you call them just because! Tell your brother/sister/niece/nephew you missed them and you wanted to make sure they are ok. Be ready for their response, 'cause you're about to have an emotional one - I bet!

10)"Please / Thank you."
Needless to say anything here. If you should choose only 2 words, go for them and only them. They contain all the affection, love, bliss, forgiveness, respect, motivation, appreciation you could posible give and take. Wanna try?

Ten sentences, ten phrases that we should all use in our daily life and yet I'm not sure we do!! Since it's time to re-connect with our inner self, with our spirituality and positiveness, shall we try? The outcomes could only be healing for us first and for the rest of the world in due time!!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Understanding Men and What They Want

Will we women ever truly understand men’s thoughts? Is it possible for us to think from their point of view?  Perhaps if we women start thinking like men, it would make this whole man/woman relationship a bit easier - that's a truth to be said! So, the next time your man does something that frustrates you, try to think the way he does.Read the following to get and idea of how to understand men and figure out what men really want; well, at least let's try!! 

• Men rarely think about writing us sweet little love notes or sending us flowers. So, the next time your man gets to your nerves with his lack of romanticism, remember that men don't always think like this. What do they think about? They may wonder why their sex lives are not too hot. You see, they don't care about the small stuff, including reminding you with cute little gestures how much they love you. Usually their idea of "romantic" is often different than ours. The next time you start to share with your guy that you would love him to bring you flowers once in a while, don't get frustrated it if he doesn't respond to you immediately. He probably has other things on his mind, so give him some time to figure out if he understands what you really want.

• Does your man seem unconcerned when you want to talk to him about something important to you? Do you feel that there is a problem here you wish to talk about and he seems nothing but interested? Men prefer to keep their problems to themselves and think about them for a while. It doesn't mean your man does not want to communicate with you. It just means that he would rather think about the situation twice before expressing himself. In general, a man will want to come up with something concrete to say or a solution to a problem, rather than just discussing over and over with you. Even if we women think about our problems out loud and need to discuss every little aspect of an issue, men simply do not have to do the same. When it comes down to communicating, give your man some space. When he is ready for a discussion, allow him to take the initiative. Remind yourself that you are two different people, with a completely different way of approaching and expressing yourselves.  

•Don't be offended when you don't get exactly the response you would expect or desire.
 Your man may not immediately notice your new haircut. Remind yourself that haircuts aren't that important to him. Don't let it get to you and don't take it personally! Just remember that men don't always think about things like we do; sometimes what they see as trivial is often more important to us. It doesn't mean that your guy doesn't pay attention to you or that he thinks you look horrible with this new haircut. Give him some time and he will surely notice the brilliant change on you!  

•Let's talk sex! Okay, I know this is a sensitive subject. Women are sure that men think about sex every seconds of a day. Well, it is just a rumor. According to the Kinsey Institute, 54% of men think about sex once or several times a day, 43% think about it several times a month or at least once a week, and 4%  think about it only once a month. The next time you complain that your man only has one thing on his mind, you may want to think twice about that. Most likely it isn't true. Even if he just can't keep his hands off you, this is his way of expressing his love for you.  

How men think, isn't easy to figure out. The next time you are upset with your guy, try putting yourself in his shoes – well, his mind! Understanding men is s huge step towards a great and balanced relationship. And there is not a woman in this world who wouldn’t go for it!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The blessing of being grateful!

It'a amazing and yet frustrating! People seem to ask for more and more each and every day! They ask for more and more money, for better and better cars, for more and more material goods. So far away from the real meaning of life! That's the root of all evil; wars are declared for oil (money), happiness depends on the size of the house and car (money), hunger is fed by huge portions of food which presumably make you happier; the bigger the TV screen the better you feel (money); and the list goes on....

Is this the real human nature? Is this the truth of our existence? No - this is the reality we are taught to live in, this is the statuses we learnt to accept. And in the middle of this material hurricane, humans forgot to be humans!

Sit back for a while and think about the following: how grateful are you? How blessed you feel? What are the blessings for you, the measures of happiness and compassion, benevolence, brotherly love? You know, life isn't meant to be a bunch of material things surrounding you! Life is about being deeply happy with what you have! No matter how big or small, no matter of how many of this and how much of that! Life is about gratefulness and gratefulness is a feeling of awareness! 

Are you healthy? (I wish you, so!) Do you enjoy seeing things, feeling the sun on our skin, smelling the flowers, listening to birds singing, walking in a park in the springtime, touching and feeling the skin of your pet, tasting your favourite ice cream flavour, dancing to the music, sharing thoughts and ideas, hugging your beloved ones? Gosh, you are so much blessed! Can you feel the blessing? Can you really utter a deep "thank you" for all those privileges you are given?

You have your family? Either your parents' or your own's? Do you feel lucky to have them in your life? Do you celebrate each and every moment you spend with them? Have you told them how much you love them, how much they mean to you, near or far from you? Call them to chat with them! Call them just because! Hug them for no reason at all - and for every reason in the world! Kiss them good morning or good night! Do you have kids? See the world through their eyes! Feel the happiness every time they accomplish something! Tell your spouse "thank you" for being themselves! Tell yourself a big "thank you" for what you are! Thank the universe, nature, God, Buddha, Allah, whomever, for the so beautiful people your family is composed of! They are a part of you and you are a part of them! Whomever you were, are and will be is because they are influencing you (well or not, you always learn from them!) 

You have your friends! You have shared so many experiences with them! Good and unpleasant, you have so many in common! Do you feel lucky for having them in your life? Do you tell them? Friends from the past, present or future, you learn things from them! For every person passes by your life, there is a reason why! Think twice! Isn't this true? Thank them for their support! Feel gratefulness filling your body and soul when telling them a simple and yet so deep "thank you". Most of all, feel this magic feeling! Say "thank you" from the bottom of your heart!

If you open a dictionary, next to the word "material" as an adjective, you'll find the word "nonspiritual". Exactly!! People's nature is spiritual, by no means material. All good we possess are our servants - we do not serve them. At least, this is the way it should be! And yet, in the middle of a global crisis people are dealing with, it seems as if  their lives are following Dow Jones' ups and downs!

Do you have a home to live in, a car to drive, clothes and shoes to wear, money to spend, a job to develop your mind, an internet connection to learn all the news around the world? Do you have electricity at your place, a fridge which is full of food, water to drink and wash, heat for the winter? Are you educated? You read books, you travell, you can use your mind properly, you can attend a uni class you want? It does not matter at all the size of the house, the car, the TV set, the brand of your clothes, the name of the school you went to! These are simple material things that serve the fake image of the world and serves interests. I recently read something I found very clever: "Some people are so poor, the only thing they have is money". 

Yet, if you do own the above, you are so blessed! Why would you think they are for granted? Who says so? Feel the "thank you" each and every moment you are alive! Start your day with a sincere "thank you" for the brilliant day ahead of you! Before going to bed, say " thank you" for all the things you did and learnt today! Start thinking about true happiness in your life! You and only you is responsible for the life you choose to live; material or not; interesting or boring. You and only you is responsible for how you use the incredible power of your brain; you decide who you serve and be served by!

Connect with your real you! Connect with your spirituality, by only saying "thank you" for what you are and what you have! Connect with the truthfulness of your life, by feeling blessed and happy!
Bare in mind the important things in life:

Thank you all!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Carrots, Eggs and Coffee beans

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?"  
"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma.

The daughter then asked. "What does it mean, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity—boiling water—but each reacted differently.   

The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.   

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.  

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? 

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor.  If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another lever?   

How do you handle Adversity? Are you a Carrot, an Egg, or a Coffee bean?
Seek for happiness, it will preserve your sweetness! Deal with challenges, they will make you stronger! Welcome your sorrow, it will keep you human! Hold your hopes high, they will make you happy!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Laughter is an Instant Vacation Movie - click on the first sentence below

Laughter is an Instant Vacation Movie: Studies show we need 12 laughs a day to stay healthy. Consider this movie a gift of good health! I'll venture to say if you don't get your "day's quota" of 12 laughs while watchingthis little movie, then check your may be dead! Learn more...

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Women's emotional types - find yours!

By Amanda Marqua

"Would you like to know what the main emotional types are? Over the years I’ve learned that there are at least four emotional types.

1. River Women

River women are emotion in motion.
There is a subtle and constant stream of emotion that flows like a river from one feeling to the next, often seamlessly. They are remarkably even-tempered, with a great sense of playfulness.
If they learn to channel their emotions into positive outlets, everything they touch takes on a certain shine.
Though their emotions aren’t predictable, per say, they have patterns that are known to themselves and their loved ones, which are relatively consistent. For example, a river woman might know that weddings always make her cry. She knows to never leave the house for a wedding without a purse full of tissue.
River women laugh easily, and have great senses of humor, knowing innately how to cheer others and make them smile, just as rivers provide nourishment and sanctuary for all kinds of life.

2. Rain Women

Like the rain that comes and then departs, rain women have feelings that come from out of nowhere, and then dissolve and vanish back into the mystery.
A rain woman can experience sudden emotional outbursts when logically she can’t make sense of why or where the feeling is coming from. (.....)
It’s very important that rain women not judge themselves just because the emotion is so sudden.
Rain refreshes and renews and restores. And then it departs to make way for the sunshine. Rain women can also tend to brood, like storm clouds on the horizon.
Exercise helps them move emotions through. Rain women are often moved by the emotional victories and stories of other people. They will cry or laugh for someone else’s win or loss, even total strangers, just as quickly as for themselves.

3. Lake Women

Still waters run deep. Lake women very rarely show their emotions on the surface.
They feel so deeply and so privately, that their emotions usually remain contained.
They are often referred to as calm or meditative individuals. They express their feelings with a simple warm smile, or a silence that indicates their sorrow. They are most comfortable showing their feelings when they are alone, or with someone they know intimately. They are not women who repress their feelings, but women who reveal very little of what they feel on the surface.
Because they feel so deeply, they are often extremely connected to their environment, and prefer to be out in nature or somewhere beautiful and calm.
They also make great team players, and excel at sports like golf that require significant concentration.
Lake women are also very empathic, picking up the feelings of others and mirroring them, or taking them on as their own. This is the same way a lake mirrors a flock of geese flying overhead.
They receive impressions very easily. Lake women have to learn to build protective boundaries around themselves so they do not absorb the emotions of others.

4. Ocean Women

The ocean is a vast and deep body of water, always changing color and mood.
This is the most complex and rich emotional temperament, and also the most challenging.
Where a river or a rain woman might have one feeling at a time, ocean women can have emotional cocktails, feeling ten ways at once, with many layers of feeling spreading in all directions.
There is a lot to sort through for ocean women. They are often overwhelmed. They are much like the sea. Every day is different. Some days are calm and tranquil. Other days are tempestuous and wild. An ocean woman can wake up in the morning from a night of dreams, and her whole day will carry the emotions from her sleep.
Like the ocean, these women are beautiful and deep and mysterious.
Because their emotions can be so vast and unidentifiable, ocean women need music and dance and art to help them find and feel their feelings fully. Talking with close friends also helps to ground the shape-shifting ocean woman, and help her identify what she feels.
Ocean women who become actors can lose themselves in their characters, completely embodying the role without a trace. They have access to a great reservoir of feeling that informs their lives. (.....)

Which type are you?

Take time to enjoy learning this new and beautiful piece of information about yourself.
Why? Because you’re wonderful, no matter what emotional type you are.
Isn’t it time to stop criticizing the natural you, and start celebrating all the beautiful ways you live and move in the world?"

Happy Women's Day!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Is the vase full?

"A philosophy teacher once enters his classrom with a carton. Without talking, he takes out from the carton a glass vase and starts filling it with small stones. His students are watching with a big question in their eyes.

When the vase is full with the small stones, the teacher asks:
Is the vase full?

His students answer:
Yes, it is.

The teacher smiles and takes out of the carton a small bag with pebbles; he puts them in the vase and starts moving it so the pebbles fill the gaps among the stones. When the vase is full, he askes again:
Is the vase full?

The students answer:
Yes, it is full.

The teacher smiles again and takes out of the carton a small bag with sand; he starts pouring the sand in the vase, so the sand fills all the space among the stones and pebbles. And asks again:
Is the vase full?

The students laugh and answer:
Yes, the vase is full now.

The teacher smiles again and takes out of the carton two cans of beer; he empties them in the vase, so the vase now is full! And asks again:
Is the vase full?

This time the students cry out laughing:
Yes, the vase is full now!!

- Now, I want you to consider this vase as your life! the teacher says.

The stones are the most impostant things in your life: your health, your family, your good friends. They are so important, that even if all the rest is gone, your life will still be full.

The pebbles are the things that come in our lives: our studies, our job, our house, our car, all the material goods. If you put them first into your vase, there will be not enough room for the stones.

The sand is the smallest and trivial things in our life.

If your put first the sand in your vase, there will be not enough room for the pebbles and the stones. The vase is your life; if you waste your time and energy for the smallest things, you will never have the time for the really important ones. Think twice and decide what and who are the most important in your life!

Talk with your parents, play with your kids, enjoy your spouse, look after your health, get together with friends. There is always time to study, to work, to fix your car, etc. Take care of the stones, first. Get your priorities right!

The students are speechless. One of them, asks:
And what about the beer?

- I'm glad you ask, the teacher goes. I'll tell you: No matter how full your life is, no matter how busy you are, there is always time for a couple of beers!"


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

How to manifest the love of your life!

Manifesting the love of your life, is a very fun procedure and the only thing you need to invest is a bit of your time, you good will, your energy and trust!

* Let's start with what we call "tabula rasa" (the theory that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from experience and perception - wikipedia).
You forget about beliefs about why, how, can, can't, etc your soulmate will come to your life. It's not of your concern! Just believe and trust that everything will work in your favour.

*Create and state your clear intention.
Use a piece of paper and write down a clear statement to yourself/Lord/Universe that you are now ready to welcome the love of your life. Start like this: "I fully welcome my perfect soulmate in my life. (S)he is handsome/beautiful, loving, sensitive, .......... (add what you want) and ready for a life-long relationship, full of love, passion, ............ (add up) with me.
Do this every day! No matter how funny or time-consuming may sound, this is the way we teach our sub-concious mind. And we all know repetition is the mother of learning!

*Spend some time every day to feel your relationship!
Dedicate 2 minutes or an hour (depends on you) to feel your feelings. Feel the way you feel in their arrms, feel the way they smell, feel their skin, their touch, their voice! Feel! Feel the love in your vains, the joy, the excitement! Do not just see - feel everything! It will take you sometime to get used to pay attention to your feelings - once you're there, see the magic in your life! You are someone who is focused on manifesting your soulmate, so you must recognize the powerful influence your feelings have on your point of attraction, and do your best to keep them positive.

You are right; the whole proccess can get discouraging at times. But if you’re approaching it from the mindset of  "it’s been a year and it still hasn’t happened", you’re living in the reality of what’s missing. The universe simply can’t add more love to your life when you’re focused on the love you do not have. Do not care about the details - you cannot control everything in life, my dear! Focus on loving yourself, enjoy your life as it unfolds in each moment, hold a clear intention of the love you are manifesting, and believe in the unseen forces that are guiding the fulfillment of your dream!
Your soulmate is on the way to you from wherever he or she is right now - so get ready!!!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

How to become and stay positive!

Your attitude is everything in your life! Being positive is something we all wish, we all know how good it feels and yet sometimes it's a bit difficult! Here are some thoughts on how to keep that positive attitude of yours!

* Wait to worry!
Think and realise that if you start worrying now, it will only empty you of your strength without giving any solution. Sometimes life itself leads the way, a much better way than the one we thought about!

* Be grateful!
No matter what your challenges are, take a break and think about everything you have and everyone you love. Be grateful for them and stop taking them for granted!

* Your health is your wealth!
Have you ever thought how your life would be if you couldn't walk, see, hear, smell, touch? Love your perfect heath and body - because they are not for granted either!

* Joy always comes back!
You want to lift yourself up? Lift someone else up and see the difference in your smile, mood and body!

* Learn to say "no"!
As I love to say, if you cannot protect yourself, why would others do so? Start saying "no" because you want it and see your self-esteem rise up high!

* First things first!
Stop procrastinating and do that small/big thing you keep on postponing! It's time to get this off your shoulders, dear!

* Make sure you are surrounded by positive people!
Science has proven that attitudes are contagious! So, do this little favour to your precious self and be with people who think, talk and do positive!!

No matter your mood, try one of these tips every day and welcome your best (and hidden?) smile!
With love and gratitute :)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Why to choose me as your Life Coach!

Because as I'm writing in my bio, I dream of a world full of love, gratitute and trust. And only people with a positive attitude and with conquered goals can feel these.
Because my heart fills with happiness as I help people make their dreams come true and I see the smile in their eyes!
Because I love mobilising action and enthusiasm, I enjoy propelling people to another level of thinking so they move towards their new life!
Because I see coaching as a shelter for people in the middle of the turbulance the world is facing in all levels and aspects of life.
Because I've had a good share of challenges in life so far, that I dealt with life coaching and now I want to be a coach to people they feel they are ready for it.
Because as friends say, I have what it takes to be your coach! Contact me if you wish to have a little chat and then the decision is always yours!

Duration and ways of Life Coaching.

Depending on the coachee's needs, Life Coacing sessions can be quite fruifull after a minimum period of 4 - 5 months. Coach and coachee usually have a session once a week, for about 45 - 60 minutes each time. The special relationship built between them sometimes lasts for ever, as long as the frequency of sessions become 2 - 3 per month. 

Face-to-face, by phone (often through Skype) and by email are the ways of coaching. The quality of coaching is by no means affected when telecoaching or emailing; the quality of the coach - coachee relatioship is the key! The only condition for a session to be productive, is for the coachee to make sure they will have their privacy and space. Days and hours will be agreed with the coach and let the journey to success begin!

What Life Coaching is about.

Think of Life Coaching as a very powerful process. A process which  helps people identify and achieve personal goals. Life Coaching will motivate you, inspire you, make you think positive, it is exciting and action driven. Life coaching helps you look at where you are standing now and where you’d like to go and helps you bridge the gap. By raising awareness and encouraging you to take responsibility for your life, Life Coaching can help you rise to your own challenge and go further than you ever thought possible. If you are ready for change in your life, the benefits can be enormous, only if you are willing to work hard and commit yourself to it! Sounds magic?

Life coaches are not therapists nor consultants; coaching is unlike therapy because it does not focus on examining nor diagnosing the past. Psychological intervention and business analysis are outside the scope of their work. Life Coaching draws inspiration from disciplines including philosophy, sociology, psychology, positive adult development, career counseling, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Your Life Coach will not be just a listening ear for you; they will be devil's advocate and ask you accurate and hard questions, so you explore yourself and find your own truth.

How you make sure your issues are suitable for coaching? Well, an informal chat with a Life Coach will enlight you. Take a look at the following statements and see if some of them apply to your current situation:
* I have a problem long time now, and don't know how to handle.
* I have a pressing situation to sort out and I don't know where to start.
* It would be great if I had a new job/new house/a spouse/..... etc...
* I'd love to have balance between my professional and personal life.
* I'd like to be more confident.
* I want to make some positive changes in my life.
* I'd like to have someone to talk to and they motivate me.  (and the list go on.......)

If you identified one or more issues, then Life Coaching could make the difference for you!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Who is the most important person in your life? ...Nope!!! It's not your mum or dad! It's not your brother or sister! It's not your best friend; not your spouse or even your children!!

The most important person in your life is... YOU!! Yes, my dear, YOU and only you!! You, who is always worrying about everyday problems. You, who is trying your best to be a good mother/father, daughter/son, colleague, friend. You, who wants to be strong in every situation, in every challenge you face. You, who tries to be there for everyone and give a solution to whatever may come. Just listen to yourself: " it's ok, I'm not a priority right now" or "I have to think about her/him/them right now" or "I have to be careful of my decisions - will affect my family", etc.....

Have you ever said "I am the priority right now", "I will take care of me first", " it's important how I feel"??? Let me guess - NO!!!! Just have in mind, when you decide your time has come, all the rest will ignore you; just the way they've been ignoring you so long. And it's you who made them ignore you! Truth hurts sometimes, no?

Here are some good news: since you are reading this blog, you are taking care of yourself! You are here to make youself your priority, to make yourself feel better and therefore think and act in a better way. And this time, it'll be a better way for you first and then the others! Make yourself a priority to you and you'll gain the respect of your beloved! Make yourself a priority and you'll regain the happiness of your childhood! Because each and everyone of us hides that small child inside! How deep, it doesn't matter! Be sure it's there and always ready to come out in the sun again!

Take your time for once maybe in your life and listen to the inner you! You have dealt with all these challenges through all these years together with yourself! No one can understand you better than your very self! No one! You may have the best friends ever; you may have the best mum/family ever; you may have the best hubbie/wife ever! Do you think they are really going through what you are going through? They can really understand and feel your worries, your heart crying, even your happiness? They may have the best of intentions - they are not you. Simple as that!

When was the last time you had a stroll alone? When was the last time you sat at a table of a small and quiet cafe and just enjoyed a cup of coffee? When was the last time you visited your nearest park and just smell the flowers, heard the birds singing, saw the ducks playing in the lake? Just sat on a bench, doing and thinking about nothing at all. Just giving time to yourself to take a look at the beauty we live in - it's made for us; it's made for you!

Right, you have so many things to do and some many people to take care! No time for such a luxury - you may say. Hold on a sec! If you are not calm and peaceful and relaxed, then how on earth will you do all this stuff? If you don't have a few minutes to pamper yourself, how come and you can pamper others? How will you know what to offer them?

My dearest, it is you the most important person in your life! And your time has come! If you believe that everything happens for a reason, think about the reason you are reading this! I'm inviting you to join me to take care of ourselves! And then, we will take a better care all the others! It's because we love them, we need to love ourselves - first things first!

Welcome to my Life Coaching blog! It's my baby and I'd love to see it growing up with your help! I'll be waiting for your thoughts and questions so we share the knowledge of the ancient philosophers, the arguments of great scientists in the course of this wonderful trip!!