Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Who is the most important person in your life? ...Nope!!! It's not your mum or dad! It's not your brother or sister! It's not your best friend; not your spouse or even your children!!

The most important person in your life is... YOU!! Yes, my dear, YOU and only you!! You, who is always worrying about everyday problems. You, who is trying your best to be a good mother/father, daughter/son, colleague, friend. You, who wants to be strong in every situation, in every challenge you face. You, who tries to be there for everyone and give a solution to whatever may come. Just listen to yourself: " it's ok, I'm not a priority right now" or "I have to think about her/him/them right now" or "I have to be careful of my decisions - will affect my family", etc.....

Have you ever said "I am the priority right now", "I will take care of me first", " it's important how I feel"??? Let me guess - NO!!!! Just have in mind, when you decide your time has come, all the rest will ignore you; just the way they've been ignoring you so long. And it's you who made them ignore you! Truth hurts sometimes, no?

Here are some good news: since you are reading this blog, you are taking care of yourself! You are here to make youself your priority, to make yourself feel better and therefore think and act in a better way. And this time, it'll be a better way for you first and then the others! Make yourself a priority to you and you'll gain the respect of your beloved! Make yourself a priority and you'll regain the happiness of your childhood! Because each and everyone of us hides that small child inside! How deep, it doesn't matter! Be sure it's there and always ready to come out in the sun again!

Take your time for once maybe in your life and listen to the inner you! You have dealt with all these challenges through all these years together with yourself! No one can understand you better than your very self! No one! You may have the best friends ever; you may have the best mum/family ever; you may have the best hubbie/wife ever! Do you think they are really going through what you are going through? They can really understand and feel your worries, your heart crying, even your happiness? They may have the best of intentions - they are not you. Simple as that!

When was the last time you had a stroll alone? When was the last time you sat at a table of a small and quiet cafe and just enjoyed a cup of coffee? When was the last time you visited your nearest park and just smell the flowers, heard the birds singing, saw the ducks playing in the lake? Just sat on a bench, doing and thinking about nothing at all. Just giving time to yourself to take a look at the beauty we live in - it's made for us; it's made for you!

Right, you have so many things to do and some many people to take care! No time for such a luxury - you may say. Hold on a sec! If you are not calm and peaceful and relaxed, then how on earth will you do all this stuff? If you don't have a few minutes to pamper yourself, how come and you can pamper others? How will you know what to offer them?

My dearest, it is you the most important person in your life! And your time has come! If you believe that everything happens for a reason, think about the reason you are reading this! I'm inviting you to join me to take care of ourselves! And then, we will take a better care all the others! It's because we love them, we need to love ourselves - first things first!

Welcome to my Life Coaching blog! It's my baby and I'd love to see it growing up with your help! I'll be waiting for your thoughts and questions so we share the knowledge of the ancient philosophers, the arguments of great scientists in the course of this wonderful trip!!

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