Thursday, 18 October 2012

25 secrets to a better life!

The only secret to a better life is a life that’s lived to the fullest.
Each of us has our own way of life; the reality is that even how different we are and the way we live, there is still one universal truth, values and principles that is rule our world. These truths are both simple and general that if you try to learn and apply them in your life, a great change can happen. 
That truth gives other people a chance to find their place in this world and to live their life to its fullness. The question now is, how can achieve a better life and live life to the fullest? If you are really interested in creating positive changes in your life, start learning and applying the principles of living a better life.  

1) Live today.
Past can’t be brought back and the future will always be uncertain. Today is yours, so make the most of it.
2) Keep balance. 
We are affected by the four aspects that are mental (brain), emotional (heart), spiritual (faith) and physical (body). Learning to keep balance among the four aspects, makes us a balanced person!
3) Forgive and Forget. 
The only person that suffers when you do not forgive is you and only you. The other person is probably caring less of what you feel. Do a favor to yourself to yourself and forget about it.   

4) Accept change as part of life. 
The more you can adapt to change, the easier your life is because change can open bigger and better possibilities for you, if only you’d accept it.  

5) Visit places you never been before. 
Seeing a new place let you discover and learn more of other things and people in your life. It helps you expand your perspective and horizon.  

6) Read books. 
The best way to ameliorate yourself and your life is through continuously learning. Try to challenge yourself with new thoughts and new perceprions of things. That will keep you expanding and growing.  

7) Attend classes.
Just like the swimming lessons you’ve always wanted to take back in high school. Remember that you’d never be too old to learn and discover your skills and qualities.  

8) Take time to make memories and keep journals. 
We should not wait for memories to happen, we should make memories happen. Find time to create memories with others. Note each moment you do not want to forget, either good and bad. Read your journal once in a while to feel that warmth inside your heart!
9) Capture the moments. 
The ability to retrieve a memory boosts by photographs and videos. Start taking those pictures you’d love to look back in your old days.  

10) Smile. 
Nothing beats a cheerful heart and mind. Be happy regardless. Make the world a better place to live in. Start sharing your sweet smile with yourself first every morning and then with all the others around you!  

11) Join a club. 
To learn more about yourself is by being more exposed in to new people and learning from them. It will help build yours and the others self-awareness; we evolve at the rate of the community we are plugged into.  

12) Learn to give. 
“The more you give, the more you receive”. Our value as human being depicts on what we can give and not on our capacity of receiving.  

13) Spend time with the young ones. 
There’s no better stress reliever than the positive and careless feeling given by a young one!   

14) Open your ears to the elders. 
Reaaly listening to the old ones makes you wiser. Remember, the best way to learn and avoid failure is through the experiences of others.  

15) Accept and manage failure. 
Do not be afraid to make mistake. Most successful people have gone through multiple failures. So mush wisdom is hidden on every failure!   

16) Take risk. 
Life is full of chances and you should take chances. As they say, the higher the risk the higher the success!

17) Cry.
Girls or boys, women or men, every one cries. You need to cry, it eases the burden plus it will keep you from having diseases that’s caused by emotional suffering.  

18) Respect other’s opinion. 
Who wins in an argument? Keep yourself away from arguments. Learn to listen to what others may say without necessary believing and taking them as true for yourself.  

19) Take a break. 
Reward yourself for a days’ work. Take that break, treat yourself to a drink, a sweet, a hot bath, a good film or just a few-minutes nap!  

20) Work smart, not hard. 
The most stressed people are those who do not work smart. Do not take the entire task to yourself. You are not alone in this world. Learn to trust the others - it’s not a weakness to ask for help!
21) Be yourself. 
Don’t try to act like someone else just to please everyone; you just can't. Stay true to who you are. Eventually, you’d discover who are worth keeping in your life from those who are not.  

22) Start caring. 
People don’t care how much you know, they want to know how much you care. Let the people know that you care. Remember, that relationship is more lasting than any of accomplishments and prestige.

23) Meditate.
Take a time to be with yourself and be silent. Such can relax you and helps you discover more of your qualities and potentials. You can go anywhere you want, you can do anything you want!  

24) Discover your purpose in life. 
Life is a journey. As you go along your journey, prepare your route. Discover the real you at the right place and time. To help you discover, ask yourself, “If there was no praise or criticism in the world, then who would I like to be?” Once you know the answer, you are right there.  

25) Take responsibility of your actions. 
Do not live for yourself alone; remember that there are other people and creatures surrounding you.  Always bare in mind that every move and action you take creates an effect to others. Start contributing your knowledge and experience for the benefit of the whole world. 

Life is not easy nor that tough neither. Having a good life and living our life to its fullness is a personal  choice. So make that choice! All the above have not covered all the ways. You too have your own share on how to live life to its fullest. Just start living your life the way you want!

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